OUNCE Studio Market x Boven

Leslie Wang Concept Exhibition

玩食誌超市 - 概念插畫展

Location : Boven Library 雜誌圖書館

Duration : 2021/12/10 - 2022/1/31



自上個世紀50年代末期至今,普普藝術的興起顛覆了世界對藝術品的價值認定。消費時代的來臨,使得當代「藝術商品化」逐漸成為日常。然而今日藝術究竟為誰服務? 在藝術品已成為商品而存在的當下,「商品藝術化」是否能成為明日下一個人類文明的答案?

2020年7月王意馨首次將《 玩食誌超市 》的概念具體呈現出來,並將部分作品經過實際展出「上架」。當作品具備了日常商品的定位後,藝術家藉由本次的展出,以寫意的方式模擬超市這樣再日常不過的生活場景來做為陳列

作品/商品 的場域,實驗解構商品與藝術品的模糊界線。作品分別展示了插畫藝術在商品包裝上的實際運用,以及插畫藝術品本身採用商品化包裝的體現。


Is Art Edible?

Since the late 1950s in the last century to date, the rise of pop art has flipped how the world establishes artworks’ values. The advent of the Age of Consumerism is normalizing “art as commodities” of the time. Nonetheless, who does art serve nowadays? Where artworks exist as commodities, can “commodities as art” be the answer to the next human civilization in the days to come?

In July 2020, Leslie Wang presented the idea of  “OUNCE Studio Market” - letting part of her artworks “hit the shelves” in the exhibition. When the works have found their positions as daily articles, the artist mimics a market, which is a rather ordinary life scene, in a casual manner as the venue to display artwork/commodity in this exhibition. The ambiguous boundary between commodity and artwork is thus deconstructed experimentally. The artworks demonstrate respectively the real-life application of illustration art on commodity packaging, as well as the use of commodified packaging for artworks.

Now that art is nutrients for life and food for soul, can artworks shopping be the same as shopping for dinner ingredients in a market?­­


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