《 巷仔口的美食家》 The Gourmets of Alleyways

Leslie Wang 王意馨 - 新書手稿原畫展

Location: THE STUDIO Taipei

Year:2023.11.25 - 2024. 2.7


台灣話常用「呷飽沒」來做日常問候,不管在什麼場合,以「你吃飽了嗎?」代替「你好」的人情味問候,彷彿“飲食” 才是我們的共同語言。要形塑出一個飲食文化的樣貌,


 時間久了,一些記憶可能漸漸淡去,一旦吃到相同的味道,便會喚起回味到最初的記憶。 《巷仔口的美食家》書中所收錄的美食口袋名單,彙整了各處在地人的推薦,再實地品嚐,


 本展展出2020-2023 間,Leslie旅行台灣各縣市的食記手稿,從小吃出發,連結到地方物產、結合旅遊、飲食經驗,用畫筆紀錄。希望藉此環島計畫,發掘深處各地的台灣人情味。

Exhibition Introduction

In Taiwanese, the common greeting “hello” is often expressed through the phrase "呷飽沒" (Have you eaten?). This warm inquiry shows a sense of hospitality, suggesting that "food" is our shared language. To shape the cultural landscape of cuisine, the exploration extends beyond the collective impressions of popular food, delving into individuals' connections to hometown landscapes, local culinary memories, and contemporary eating habits. “In everyone's heart, perhaps the most delicious thing is found in eating memories.”

Over time, some memories may fade, but the taste of familiar flavors can instantly evoke the recollection of initial experiences. The exhibition draws inspiration from the curated list of culinary gems featured in her book "The Gourmets of Alleyways," a compilation of recommendations from locals across various regions. Through on-site tastings, the exhibition aims to observe the diverse Taiwanese flavors and regional differences that emerge from these culinary experiences. “The Gourmets of Alleyways” represents not only individual subjective culinary memories but also serves as a platform for the exchange of memories among people.

The exhibition showcases Leslie's food journal manuscripts from 2020 to 2023, documenting her travels across Taiwan's counties and cities. Starting with street food, the exhibition connects to local products.


A Journey Through Taste x Quinta da Cruz 當代美術館